A place to get moving.


Venus Sport + Spine is a health-forward facility created by married chiropractors, Hannah and Spencer Venus. Venus Sport + Spine is a partnered clinic and fitness facility, designed to break down the barriers that keep the people in our community from doing things they love.

Throughout our education and careers, we, the Venuses, have witnessed the power of purposeful movement. Time after time, we’ve seen clients and patients recover from injuries through intensive chiropractic and physical therapy, only to feel like they are reliant on continuous treatment. We are working to change that narrative. We want to help you get out of pain, discover your ability to heal, and create the strength that keeps you well.

For our patients in the clinic, our ultimate goal is to give you the tools and classes to stay well without surgery, drugs, or complicated equipment.

For our pain-free athletes and recreationalists, we want to provide you with the smartest training and thorough recovery, so that you can perform at an elite level. We use the highest level of technology and provide cutting-edge treatments, so you can train just like the pros.

In love and wellness

Hannah + Spencer Venus